If you are looking for a Family church, filled with and led by the Holy Spirit, we would love for you and your family to come and be a part of a loving, caring, praying, and faith-based church.
We Speak to the North, South, East, and West. We command Satan to lose his hold on all those hurting souls intended for our ministry. In the name of the Father, Son, And Holy Ghost. Amen
Be sure to tune in to are broadcast on Cable Spiritual Channel 992
Air Times are:
Monday - 1:00 pm
Thursday - 9:00 pm
Now more than ever we need to pray for our Nation. Pray for our service men and women that is serving and has served our Great Country. Pray for Israel and remember to pray for one another. God Bless
Evangelist Matt Brandon
E-Mail: evangelistmbrandon@gmail.com
Congregational Singing
Praise & Worship Singing