Assistant Pastor
Ken has been a blessing to our church for many years now. He possess a love for God, his Word, and his people. He is strong and winsome, a teacher yet teachable, a man of prayer and action. Yet, Ken also possess additional qualities.
He is not only called to serve the congregation, but also the Senior Pastor.
Here is some things Ken is marked by, traits that, Lord willing, I will strive to acquire more and more of in my life and ministry. I am bound by the word of God to do the best I can for my church and family, I trust whole heartedly in the Lord and strive every day to do his will. Ken has been a blessing to our church for many years now, and a Valuable part of the Beavercreek Church of God Team Jesus!
Ken Hughes.
Rick & Nella Hill
Young Adult class
Rick & Nella implement a comprehensive program of Christian life development for the young adults in our church, they have and are able to connect with young adults on a social and spiritual level, with the intent of coaching them towards Christ-like maturity.
They Work closely with the Young Adults to develop and encourage their spiritual growth in Christ.
They also provide guidance and support based on Biblical principles to Young Adults.
Rick & Nella work very hard to provide leadership Atmosphere, Young Adult trips, retreats and classes. Rick and Nella have blessed us with their talent for many years and are a valuable part of the Beavercreek Church of God Team Jesus!
Teen Class
Billy & Erin lives by the principle that the leaders is the lesson, and Sunday school is a seven-day-a-week strategy. They administer the growth of a Youth Sunday School class by planning weekly for effective Bible study, and to participate in training opportunities. They disciple teenagers in their relationship with God. They also guide the youth to fellowship with each other as well as with the entire church. They minister to teens and their families and leads youth to care for one another. Billy & Erin has a special way that leads youth to worship by helping them develop a lifestyle that includes personal quiet times and participation in worship. They teach youth the Bible using a variety of teaching-learning approaches and prayerfully guides the youth toward spiritual transformation. Billy & Erin has been a blessing to the Beavercreek Church of God Team Jesus!
Sheryl Nichols
Sheryl has a calling in her life Not only as
the pastor's wife, but also for the spiritual leadership of children, and that is to know that children are more in touch with their faith than most adults. The problem is simply that they do not know the object of their faith on a personal level.
Sheryl’s hope is that kids will learn that Jesus is the real deal.
He lived on this earth, fully man and fully God (John 1:14); He died on the cross to take our punishment for sin (Romans 6:23); He rose again and conquered the grave once and for all (I Cor. 15:55-57) and He lives today, preparing a place for us in Heaven (John 14:19). This is what she wants the kids to learn, that Jesus is “the way, the truth and the life,” and that we “can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” and that He has sent the Holy Spirit to “live with us and be in us” so we can learn what God desires from us. Sheryl has a special place in her heart for children and is a valuable part of the Beavercreek Church of God Team Jesus!
Billy & Erin Elms and
Mark & Wendy Ballard
Youth Leaders
Wherever we go these days, we’re introduced as people who really have a heart for today’s generation of young people. And of course, we do. We love teenagers, are quick to defend them, and are passionate about understanding them. But we also think the ‘ministry’ side of youth ministry is sometimes unrecognizable in the shadow of the ‘youth’ side. Ask the kids we work with—we are not total killjoys.
We love a good time and a good laugh. But what does it mean to authentically demonstrate the love and mission of God to the ‘youth group’ What do they see valued as they watch the things we prioritize? Let’s take the ‘youth’ out of youth ministry for a moment. Ministry is the biblical description for what we do—we’re ministers who happen to be called to youth. This is what we do, and we love doing it here at the Beavercreek Church.
Billy, Erin, and Mark & Wendy are a valuable part of the Beavercreek Church of God
Team Jesus!
Rick Hill
Church Clerk
Ricks role is to minister to the congregation by documenting and maintaining the church records. He works in close relationship with the pastor and other church officers and members. He keeps accurate minutes of church board and business meetings. As clerk/secretary, He recognizes the need for careful and confidential guardianship of all church records. Even inactive members regard their church membership and church business as important to their spiritual life. Rick is a valuable part of Beavercreek Church of God Team Jesus!
Gwen Allison
Multimedia Director
Gwen has been in the Multimedia business for 20+ years. She came to Beavercreek church of God in 2006 from Henderson, NC. She video tapes all services and doses special graphics of the videos. She also formats all videos into DVD’s. Gwen also formats the videos for our cable program.
In addition to that she runs the projection screen for all services. She also takes care of the sound system as well. She has created our web site and maintains it. This is a special Ministry to the Beavercreek Church of God because this is a way we can get the services to shut-in’s, friends, and also family members that do not attend church. Her goal is to do all she can for the glory of God and reach lost souls through this Ministry. Gwen is a valuable part of the Beavercreek Church of God Team Jesus!
Gwen Allison, Laura Brandon, Sheryl Nichols
Praise & Worship Team
Praise Elevates us into
God’s Presence and Power
Paul and Silas knew the secret of how to lift their hearts above their troubles and enter into God’s presence and power. Through praise and worship their hearts were raised into the joyous presence and peace of God that provided God a channel for his power to operate in their circumstances.
The Bible says that God inhabits in the praises of His people (Psalms 22:3). In other words, God “dwells” in the atmosphere of His praise. This means that praise is not merely a reaction from coming into His presence - Praise is a vehicle of faith which brings us into the presence and power of God! Praise and worship are the “gate-pass” which allows us to enter the sacredness of His glory. The psalmist writes, “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him, and bless his name”
(Psalms 100:4).
Minister of Evangelism
Why is evangelism so important? The answer is quite simple. The world we live in is full of sin, and souls are encountering their eternal destiny every day lost without knowing the love and grace of God. This is an unfortunate reality, and it should burden the heart of every Christian.
Christ instructed us to “Go ye therefore and teach all nations…” (Matthew 28:19) with the message of redemption and grace.
The message of the Cross is not limited to a specific social class, age group, ethnicity, or era or time. It is for every nation, state, community, and soul. It is God’s will that every soul accept salvation and freely choose to worship Him (1 Timothy 2:4).
The task may seem daunting, but with the participation of every believer, it will be accomplished. Whether it be through prayer support, financial contributions, or active ministry, let us all engage in evangelism so souls can be saved, and lives can be transformed by Jesus Christ! As God's Word burns with in us, Mine and Laura's goal is to reach the lost at any cost and with God's Help and Grace share God's word with all that will hear! Matt and Laura's ministry is a valuable part of Beavercreek Church of God Team Jesus!
Go Ye Into All The World, And Preach
The Gospel To
Associate Pastor
Evangelist Matt & Laura Brandon
Rex Lewis
Adult Class
Rex heard the call to teach and has a love for telling others about God's word.
He believes one of the most important things a teacher can do is build relationships. As a teacher He first works to strengthen his relationship with God. Daily prayer and reflection, study of Scripture, participation in worship, involvement in service activities—these are just a few of the practices that can draw each of us closer to God.
He teaches and leads because God has called him to do so. For thousands of years God has asked people to participate in the work of helping others come to know God and live as people of faith. These teachers and leaders have come in many shapes and forms, from many backgrounds, and with many levels of ability. But each has somehow heard a call to teach and has responded.
You may not even realize that you responded to a call. You may think you merely answered a plea for help, or just knew it was your turn to help! But God’s call can come in many ways:
Rex understands that his teaching is in response to a call from God.
He never enters a classroom alone, for God is always present with him. Rex primary role as a teacher has been to model the Christian faith to the best of his ability. He believes the role of a teacher is not only to share information but also to create an environment where God can transform us into the people God wants us to be. Rex has become a valuable part of the Beavercreek Church of God Teem Jesus!
Matthew Brandon
Associate Pastor