Born on November 8, 1954, to Glen & Lula Nichols, founding members of the Old East Fourth Street Church of God. Two brothers: John M. Nichols and George Charles Nichols. Two sisters: Patricia A. Nichols and Martha Gwen Nichols. I have been married 40 plus wonderful years to Sheryl Lynn Nichols. We have two beautiful children Laura and Larry Dwayne Nichols.
Saved November 9, 1977, under my District Pastor L.O. Prosser's ministry. Sanctified, baptized in water, and filled with the Holy Ghost and fire, and called by God into the ministry one year later. From 1978 to 1980, I came through the ranks from assistant teacher in the primary class, to Evangelism, to ministering in the nursing home. In 1982, was appointed as Youth Pastor for Pastor Zeke Grisgby at the Eastview Church of God. In 1984, Sheryl and I enrolled in the M.I.P. (Ministers Intern Program). In August of 1986, we were appointed to our first church, the New Lebanon Church of God by State Overseer Larry Timmerman. In 1987 started a mission in Dayton on Merrydale Avenue in an old log cabin known as the Merrydale Mission. In 1988, we were appointed by State Overseer Harold Thompson to pastor the Knollwood Church of God in Beavercreek, Ohio. In August 2003, we were appointed by State Overseer Bishop Tim Hill to merge with Victory Life Center and rename the congregations to the Beavercreek Church of God, Healing Rivers Ministry. In August 2003, we were appointed District Overseer for Beavercreek and Fairborn Area.
Upon reflecting back over the many years of my ministry, we have had the privilege of bringing some 600 plus souls to "Jesus Christ" through our ministry. we have been blessed to see them Sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. We have been blessed to see many delivered and set free from all kinds of demonic spirits and oppression. We have been blessed to see many Miracles, Cancer, Diabetes, Cataracts, Paraplegia, Heart problems and much more by the Awesome Power of God.